The Whole Health Coach

Case Studies

We are all individuals, we do things differently and handle situations differently…it is what makes us unique beings. Take a read of some of the cases I’ve come in to contact with, during my time as a Health Coach.

Does anything here resonate with you? If you want more information, leave your details in the contact form below, or contact me on social media.

Looking forward to meeting you…

Mr F.

Despite having a diagnosis for Coeliac many years ago, Mr F had food addictions that ran so deep he couldn’t see past them to get healthy. The long term damage of his gut has meant insomnia for decades and other chronic health conditions including pre-diabetes. Just telling him to stop eating gluten would not have been helpful.

With tailored small steps, specifically designed to his likes and dislikes, we have finally “crowded out” the harmful gluten containing foods that plagued him, and I’m very happy to say he is getting a good nights sleep! Your world can really be transformed by getting enough sleep.

Mrs D.

The main reason Mrs D came to me was because her doctor told her she had acute ovarian failure – aged 32. Mainstream medicine will tell you this is a one way street only and the best you can hope for is to manage symptoms.

After some talking and dietary tweaks I am very happy to say that her menstrual cycle has returned to regularity and she’s now tackling some deeper emotional issues.

In addition to this we have found she is an HSP (a Highly Sensitive Person) and so with gentle care and encouragement she is finding life much more manageable now.

Mr F.

After years of what appeared to be pre-menstrual symptoms, which became panic attacks in the night, Mrs L is now having uneventful menstrual cycles.

After a few sessions of talking we found that these attacks weren’t in fact hormonal at all but her body was still in the trauma state from something that happened to her a few years ago.

We managed to talk through it and things are so much better. She is looking forward to her next scan of her ovary with the expectation that her previously diagnosed cyst has gone.

Mrs H.

Mrs H has some complex food addictions which meant she was unhappy with her weight. Historically she has tried all sorts of diets that reported to have long term gains, but as a result her weight has yo-yo’d. Having 2 children now she wanted to be healthier for them as well as herself.

Our consultations have been really interesting and a learning experience for us both as the root of her food addictions runs very deep. It has taken time to dig down together, as a team, to find them and we are now making small, manageable tweaks to her diet and she’s seeing great improvements in energy levels and cravings, and is finding it much easier to stop eating the things that were historically her crutch.

If you have worked with me and would like to leave a comment that I may use on this page, please email me at, or head over to my Facebook page . I will only use your initials and a date here.